Adulting with Dinos requires you to be over the age of 18.
This is NOT to allow NSFW content this is simply to have a safe space for those with a more mature mindset to have conversations that they don’t need to filter due to subject matter.
Tough Love
- 3 strikes you are out for any warning. No ifs ands or buts.
- Get stuck in the same spot three times? Good luck we are not helping you again.
- AFK and die? This is entirely your fault, and you will not be compensated for Marks or growth.
- Impersonating AwD, PoT, BoB, and or Isle staff and or Game Developers will get you an instant strike.
- Complaining excessively about death in game chat or on the discord in a PVP SURVIVAL game will get you a warning.
We Can Help
- Die to a glitch and you recorded it? Send in a ticket with your evidence to get a revive.
- Die to a rule breaker and you recorded it? Send in a ticket with your evidence to get a revive.
- Stuck in an object and no one was online to help, and a relog didn’t help. Send in a ticket with evidence and staff will help you out ASAP.
In Game Logic
- Be Nice at your own risk!
- Rule loopholes and rule bending just to get away with something will get you warned and or kicked. This is a server that uses common sense and if you can’t handle every little detail not being written down then this may not be the place for you!
General Conduct
- Be respectful of other players. you may not like what someone does or thinks, but as long as it doesn’t break any of our rules do not make a fuss over it.
- Keep all offensive, religious, political & sexual topics to yourself or in DMs with your friends.
- Harassment or bullying of any kind, public or in in-game DMs will not be tolerated. Yes, DMs in our server count as harassment. Reported DMs with proof that they are in our server. We need a FULL screen shot of the chat, not just a “copy Paste” of the chat text as we need an unedited evidence log.
- Spam global chat or overuse caps will get you muted and or kicked after 2 warnings.
- If you don’t want other people joining in on your conversation stay out of global. Everyone sees global chat, so if you want your conversation private keep it off global.
- Any bullying, harassment, or arguments in global will get you muted and or kicked after 2 warnings.
- English is the primary language spoken in global. Any other languages please keep to Pack/herd or local.
- Do not advertise other servers within our game-server or discord with our permission.
Voice chat at your own risk!
Voice chat rules are the same as General however voice chat cannot be monitored by staff constantly and therefor it is highly recommended that if you are in a voice chat and a conflict happens to either leave(ideal) or (if you are able to) record game and voice chat sounds so it can be reported.
#1 Rule with ALL Things Drama
DO NOT fuel the fire.
If there is conflict leave the conversation or don’t say anything at all, just record & Report!
Fueling the fire can get YOU in trouble as well sometimes so it is better to be safe than sorry.
Blatant theft of AwD content, including copies of the rules and events is strictly prohibited. Those caught violating this rule will be permanently banned.